

On politeness and being. So who knows?, is it worhwhile to be polite? What does being polite mean, anyway? Is it being polite not saying quite what you think out of fear of how it might be received by the other … then shaping it in a way that it no longer resembles what you […]

We all have to live

with the consequences of your silence. This last sentence from Justin Wise’s writing titled ‘Only when it’s safe’ has remained with me. It has made itself very present again and again as life and the small things of life go on. I remember thinking right after reading it …. if only we had to live […]

‘Human’ punishment

I have in my mind the image of the individual who assassinated 24 others in the ‘best’ years of her life. I remember reading and hearing that in order to commit certain atrocities, we humans must dispossess other humans of their humanity … it is then and only then than carrying out certain acts becomes […]

The ‘reasonably good coach’ and the yin & yan of coaching relationships

I left the room feeling very frustrated and not delivering to my full capacity as a coach and consultant. As I explored my frustration something came up in my mind. All of sudden, there he was … Winnicott was letting me see that being a ‘coach’ was  not different to being ‘the reasonably good mother’. […]

A genuine community of support

Kevin Power told me once that keeping in touch to learn and assist each other with the members of his Consulting Application Group (*) – that has been gathering at least once a year since they completed their Ashridge Masters in Organisational Consulting -, made him return always a better person and in better shape […]