Supporting entrepreneurs make sustainable futures

Connecting people and resources

We are a network of investors that share good investment opportunities in the early stage, impact investment market

What do we mean by impact investing?

  1. Actively placing capital in businesses that generate social and/or environmental good and by doing so generate decent financial returns
  2. Our offer is to help connect entrepreneurs with angel investors using our network, in order to promote impact investment
  3. We are currently focussed on Spain and UK. Our target investment size of up to 100k euros

Example investment


EnergyDeck logo

What is our investment strategy?

  1. Solid business model with evidence of revenue generation
  2. Intentionally generates, measurable social and financial benefits
  3. Positive correlation between the social and financial return
  4. Solid integral leadership and business skills in the team
  5. Targeting sustainable energy. Looking into expanding into well being / education industry
  6. Willingness to recycle key learning back into the network